Levent Aslan was born in Ankara, capital city of Turkey, in 1963. His family first moved to Izmir and then several years later to Istanbul due to his father’s job.
He had to complete his primary education in three different schools as a result of some consecutive decisions of his family. It caused that he could not adapt the people around himself and that not to have any long run friendships.
When he was eleven, from the sixth year of his education life onwards, his life was more settled. He graduated from Bahcelievler High School in Istanbul in 1980 and joined Business Administration class one of the reputable universites, named Marmara University in Istanbul in 1981 while he was dreaming about Electronics or Astronomy Engineering.
He joined the army in 1988 to execute his mandatory military service.
He married to Ebru in 1991.
In 1991, “Eyes of Darkness” which is his first book was published in 1991. As a fantastice detective novel, the book is accepted by authorities as one of the earlier books of horror subsection of Turkish literature.
His daughter was born in 1994
In 1994, “Midnight Nihtmares” was published. It was composed of 7 stories. The surprising and dreadful finals of his stories could tell us that Levent Aslan was running to bright and happy finals in his novels but contrary fearful ones in short stories.
In 2002, "Six Days of The Town", was published which is the first book of the Town Triad, by one of the best publishers in country.
The second book of the triad (The Lords of the Town) was finished in 2006 however not published.
In 2012, "Timeless Places". was published.
In 2019, “Bodiless” was published.
He completed his first feature movie script that is based on his book “Bodiless” in 2022.
In February 2022 both "Six Days of The Town" (revised version) and "Lords of The Town" were published.
Writers Note :
This biography surely will be updated as the time passes by. I wish you all a good life that beauty of the universe is shared fairly…