The story in the book begins with that a young man who loves his girl friend very much and ready to drive for all night long though he has only a few week driver. After renting a car the journey of the brave young man starts. What keeps him alive all night long is his dream of being with his lover.
However things don’t go right and in the first hours of the driving, he makes such a mistake that he found himself on a completely different highway but that looked like he was going to the same true destination. The wrong choice he had made had changed his entire future forever even if the final destination is still the same.
After a gruesome accident that is caused by panic, fear, and exhaustion, he ends up in a town he never wants to go to again, but has to return somehow. The town is a huge garden of death-play.
Six Days of Town shows how a simple mistake made in night travel can be a mysterious gateway into a horror-filled adventure.
Published in : 2002
Publisher : INKILAP Yayınevi
Distributed by : INKILAP Yayınevi
Cover design :
Copyrights : Levent Aslan
No of Pages : 415
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