The theory of the hollow earth… While many people think that the earth consists of a hollow shell, they also believe that there are civilizations of the Earth underground. To them, the world is such a place that is home to countless mysteries. In fact, Agartha is the name of a legendary underground organization claimed to be in the mountain ranges in Asia. So, is there evidence of a civilization deep below the Earth's surface, or even of an atmosphere to harbor life?
We need to point out how inadequate the definition we made above is. It is wrong to make such a precise and superficial definition of a subject of which we have almost no idea. On the other hand, many famous names believe that there are holes in the Earth, and Jules Verne is one of them. The famous French novelist, known for his extraordinary Journeys series, wrote ‘Journey to the Center of the Earth’ at a time when faith in the underground society was growing.
Another name, before Verne, was Edmund Halley who coined the concept of a hollow Earth in the 17th century, the discoverer of a short-orbiting comet that passes Earth every 75 years. Halley believed that the Earth consisted of several concentric crusts separated by individual atmospheres, with the outermost layer about 500 miles thick. Halley believed that natural phenomena such as the Aurora Borealis and magnetic field variance were the products of these multiple layers, which he said acted independently of each other.
More than a century later, John Cleves Symmes, who published an article detailing Halley's theory of travel to the interior of the Earth, announced that he was on Halley’s trail. Symmes devoted the rest of his life to raising support for a hollow world expedition, but fell ill during a trip to Quebec to give a lecture on his theory. Although he died before his voyage , his passion inspired Arctic exploration and the first trip to Antarctica in 1838.
According to a diary he allegedly wrote during his polar flight, Byrd encountered a warm, lush climate with Mammoth-like creatures and an ancient human race living on Earth.
Again, according to what he told, his plane was blocked by a flying saucer-like air object and seized in mid-air by people in the center of the Earth. After his plane landed, he was greeted by emissaries from a civilization that many consider to be the legendary Agartha Civilization. These Agarthans expressed their concern over humanity's use of the atomic bomb during World War II and commissioned Byrd to convey their feelings to the US government.
The striking thing about the validity of this entry in the diary is that it is dated February 1947. If this story is believed to cover Byrd's first flight over the North Pole, then it suffices to look at the actual date on which he achieved this feat. This date marks 9 May 1926, more than 20 years ago. In fact, upon further scrutiny, it would become clear that Byrd had probably not quite reached the North Pole and instead produced fabricated recordings, stealing the reputation of another team that actually broke the record a few days later.
But what makes this entry so intriguing, if true, could be a potential misinterpretation from a later Antarctic mission? Is he really talking about the infamous Operation Highjump?
(Operation Highjump (1946-1947) is officially known as the US Navy's Antarctic Development Program. Also referred to as Task Force 68. Highjump was one of the largest operations ever undertaken on the continent, with more than 4,000 personnel sent to work, map and reside in Antarctica for eight months. The expedition included 13 Navy support ships, an aircraft carrier, helicopters, flying boats, and a number of more conventional aircraft 2 Sea planes and 15 aircrafts 6 Helicopters .)
With this operation, at the end of Operation Deep Freeze, the American military presence, which is prohibited today, was established. So, why was this invasion rushed exactly?
In an interview with El Mercurio, a Chilean newspaper, Byrd said: “This journey has taught me that the United States must prepare itself for possible attacks by enemy planes from the polar regions. However, many people perceived this as evidence of the flying vehicle coming from where they actually saw and thought to be Agartha.
In Hindu and Celtic culture there are caves and underground entrances that provide passages to the underground worlds. Some believe that an ancient connection with these entrances is established by a lost city, perhaps even pre-Flood. These people bound together Āryāvarta, or "the abode of the perfect," a country ruled by a divine race thousands of years before the great war that unfolded in the Mahabharata. He believes that this ancient race is descended from the ancient civilizations from Atlantis, Lemuria, and Mu that were destroyed by war and disasters and drove them underground to Agartha.
Evidence of Agartha in Ancient Cultures
Almost every ancient culture has a story or allusion to the inner realms of the Earth, as well as to civilizations or people at the center of the Earth. Most of these are places of purgatory inhabited by dead souls rather than a currently thriving society. The Greeks spoke of Hades, the Christians call it Hell, and in Judaism it is called Sheol. But many of these underground realms were more allegorical and religious tools used to deter people from sinning rather than actively sought realms.
However, there are closer depictions of Agartha, identified by some cultures with respective cities and gateways to get there. In Tibetan Buddhism there is the mystical city of Shambhala. Believed to be located deep in the Himalayas, this city is a secret city sought by many, including the Russian mystic Nicholas Roerich, but no one has been able to find it. Some believe that Shambhala could potentially be linked to Agartha.
In Hindu and Celtic cultures there are caves and underground entrances that provide passages to the underground worlds. Some believe that an ancient connection with these entrances is established by a lost city, perhaps even pre-Flood. These people bound together Āryāvarta, or "the abode of the perfect," a country ruled by a divine race thousands of years before the great war that unfolded in the Mahabharata. He believes that this ancient race is descended from the ancient civilizations from Atlantis, Lemuria, and Mu that were destroyed by war and disasters and drove them underground to Agartha.
There is another underworld in the Hindu Mahabharata. It is known as Patala. Although Patala is said to be at war with the Agarthans, it shares many similarities with depictions of the underworld. Patala is the seventh layer of the underworld in Hindu scriptures and is ruled by the Nagas, a half-human, half-reptilian species depicted with their illuminated jeweled crests. The Naga is a highly advanced race with the latest technology. They are sometimes said to abduct, torture and kill people, but there are also those who speak of having a positive effect on Earth events.
Will we ever find out if there is an underground civilization beneath the Earth's surface? Even if it exists and is learned, it is not known whether it will be made public, but there have been attempts to go as deep as possible to see what is out there. The Kola Super Deep Drill increased this depth to about 7 miles, but the Russian team leading the operation could not find Agartha. In fact, it should be noted that Agartha is thought to be deeper.
What they found showed us that we didn't know exactly what was out there. Many of our theories have been proven wrong, and we've learned a lot more about the Earth's crust. First, there was a completely missing basalt layer known as the Conrad Discontinuity, and the presence of water was detected where it should not have been. It just shows that we don't really know what's out there.
Meanwhile, the Kola Superdeep Borehole (Kola Super Deep Drilling) is a scientific project underway on Russia's Kolay Peninsula in Pechengsky District, close to the Norwegian border. The drilling process started on May 24, 1970. While the drilling process reached 11662 meters in October 1982, a second hole was drilled within the scope of the project in January 1983 and the depth in the holes exceeded 12200 meters.
Conrad discontinuity: Discovered by Victor Conrad in the 1920s at a boundary surface close to 10 to 20 km deep inside the continental crust. The upper layer of the crust usually has a seismic wave velocity of around 6.0 km/s, and the lower layer has a seismic wave velocity of about 6.6 km/s, sometimes referred to as the granite layer and basalt layer, respectively. Recent research has shown that in many areas such open discontinuities are not found in the crust. For example, ocean areas were determined as areas where the Conrad discontinuity does not exist.
Levent Aslan
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