The Town Series, which started with "Six Days in Town", continues with the "Lords of Town". A kind of high-powered electromagnetic field that surrounded the town like a dome had damaged Atahan's physical features, and destabilized his body, who entered the town at dawn. He would not be able to get out of the effect of this strangeness for a long time, who would witness this feature while escaping from the town.

I had penned the first of book of Town Triology at the end of 1990s.  A lot of times has passed since those days. Osman Aysu whom I respect and love, even though  I only met fpr a short time, had introduced my “Six Days in Town” to Inkilap Publishing House. How I met and who introcued me to Osman Aysu who is detective novel author, turned into a sad story in time as an individual subject.  Returning to the subject, I was very happy when Osman Aysu had told me a word for my book. “Written just like King” (meaning Stephen King) I was blown away with this word then. Of course, the publishing book business also had a commercial dimension and my sales figures for the book weren't great. The interesting ending of the book attracted the attention of the readers and some of them had asked İnkılap Publishing House for the sequel. Of course I got this information after a long time than the book published.

The Town series has been on hold for me for a long time. Because, in the depth of critique for the sequel book (Lords of Town) I wrote, as Mr. Ömer Türkeş explained that it was a bit complicated. After I threw this comment into my subconscious, I set sail for other ideas. I took a break from the Town series. Timeless Spaces and Bodiless appeared during this long period of about fifteen years. But now I had decided how the Town Series should continue as well. Moreover, the third book was formed in my head.

Back to Town is the third book in the series. It is essential for our hero to return to that town that becomes a ruin, of which roads were bypassed and even to the point of being wiped out from the map. Because there is as something that draws him there. Neither what happens there nor the secret military base. It is as if something else was making him uneasy and calling him there.

There is also the fate of five children, one of whom escaped from the town with our hero Atahan and managed not to fall into the hands of the Lords. It's seems that they're the subject of another book, but then the series will have expanded into four books. It seems that the time will tell us with how many books the Town Series will end.

Levent ASLAN



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