Many people believe that somewhere on Earth there is a secret council whose members play a role in our lives and in the life of society from time to time. The leaders of the secret council were once like us, and what they did is now present in spiritual life and daily values in a different way. Some circles say that this secret group, known as the "Illuminati", is making serious efforts to globalize the world and bring it under a single government. So it would be useful to investigate the matter. Let's take a look.
Mysterious "Emerging Leaders"
Toward the end of the 1800s, the popularity of the occult and the mysterious grew. Secret societies began to do things with their special abilities. Sages of the new faith were said to be in contact with Ascended Leaders who were said to be hiding in the Himalayas. In 1875, Helena P. Blavatsky claimed to have communicated with the "Leaders of Wisdom and Compassion" and received messages about the evolution of the human soul. Madame Blavatsky believed that all beliefs came from a very ancient world religion and that the Great Leaders wanted us to explore this religion and abandon Western philosophy and apply the mysteries of the East.
The Great Leaders were believed to have raised philosophers such as Jesus Christ, Buddha, and Confucius, with whom Madame Blavatsky said she communicated. In fact, Blavatsky's belief is based on the ancient tradition that the Eternal Leaders select a new member who emerges every century and demonstrates material and spiritual achievements. One of the best known names is perhaps the Count of St. Germain. St. Germain was a member of the Great Leaders, and fifty years after his death he appeared in many places to spread the work of the community. The modern Rosicrucian organization claims that St. Germain was the person responsible for spreading the magical work. He is also believed to have appeared in Paris in the 1920s under the name Fulcanelli, warning people about the progress of atomic science. Other guides also make connections to the present from time to time and at the most unexpected moments.
Where are the 100 Underground Cities?
Napoleon Hill was a major bestselling author between 1940 and 1960. In his last book, he wrote that he received messages from an Anonymous Guide. The anonymous guide was an expert in spiritualism who taught mystical knowledge at a school of immortal guides in the Himalayas. In the book this school was clearly mentioned and the work was explained. In fact, Bram Stocker's world famous book "Dracula" used this information. It was written that there was a school called Scholomance in a secret mountain, 10 students were admitted every year and at the end of the training period one person was chosen to serve the devil.
The education at the school was based on the mystical teachings of the King-Prophet Solomon. It was later reported that Sir George King, the founder of the Aetherius Community, was also involved. George King was also the founder of the Great White Brotherhood, a community of 144 leaders. According to Madame Blavatsky, this community lived in the mountains, worked on the spiritual development of mankind, and even studied the solar system. The Aetherius Society also allegedly generated cosmic energy to create sacred places.
An American astrologer named Linda Goodman wrote in her third book, Star Signs, that on New Year's Day 1970, a man with an Oxford accent came to her hotel room in Los Angeles and told her that he lived in a private training center in the Himalayas, that his name was Nathan, and that he was an expert in Zen Buddhism and yoga. Nathan's goal was to find and train suitable people.
If these leaders or teachers are still alive and prefer the physical life to the spiritual life, it is necessary to know their purpose and where they came from. These immortal leaders are said to live in 100 underground cities in the wilderness of the Himalayas and travel through underground passages. They are also said to receive visitors from the outside world. Some people who are in contact with these people also say that the day is coming when the leaders will reveal their secret technologies and some of their spiritual work.
What is the Illuminati?
Those who find the idea of a global world or one state completely illogical think that the Illuminati are an unmentionable phenomenon, but in fact it is obvious that we are developing into a unipolar world because of the ongoing wars. The idea of a nationless Ummah, which is being imposed on Islamic countries in particular, is based on the idea of small little states that can be controlled, because united Islamic countries are not in the plans of any Western country.
The Illuminati can be traced back to the Franciscans and Jesuits, the original Christian orders called "Alumbrados" (Enlightened Ones) in 16th century Spain. According to their beliefs, a group of people who opposed the hierarchy of the Church and were interested in sacred magic and the human spirit, published a declaration in 3 copies called "Inquisitan".
On May 1, 1776, Adam Weishaupt, a 28-year-old law professor, gathered a handful of his best students and founded the Bund der Perfektibilisten, or Covenant of Perfection. According to Heritage Daily, two years later his organization was renamed the Illuminatenorden - the Illuminati Cult. At that time, the Illuminati was founded in Bavaria by Adam Weishaupt. Weishaupt was a Jesuit-educated law professor.
By the way, Jesuit education and the organization that provided this education, the Jesuit Order, is the subject of a separate article, but in short, it was an organization with military motives founded in 1534 by Ignatius of Loyola and six of his friends on Christian religious principles with the approval of Pope Paul III, and officially approved by Pope Paul III as a Roman Catholic religious order in 1540. The Jesuits are also known as the Jesuit Order, the Order of Jesus, and the Sons of Loyola.
Let's go back to Adam Weishaupt. Adam was a law professor and he was disillusioned with his Jesuit education. For he was also critical of organized religion. To him, religion was a collection of facts that stood between the individual and the God he believed in. Weishaupt was influenced by the ideals of the Enlightenment (Renaissance), especially the concepts of reason, freedom and secularism. He therefore urged his followers to embrace reason in place of religion. He hoped that the philosophies of the Enlightenment would spread throughout the world. He imagined that by encouraging governments to make rational laws rather than religious ones, they would profoundly change Europe. But he was wrong. Governments, too, had realized that religion was the best tool for governing societies, and many of them would therefore implement their social projects on the basis of religion.
As Ingolstadt journalist Michael Klarner told the BBC, "Weishaupt was a revolutionary in many ways. He liked the idea of teaching people to be better people. He wanted to change society, he dreamed of a better world, a better government," Klarner told the BBC.
But Weishaupt's ideas were highly controversial in his time, when conservative and religious ideas were dominant. As a result, he and his fellow members used elaborate rituals to keep their activities secret.
Brother Spartacus
For example, Illuminati members used pseudonyms (Weishaupt took the name "Brother Spartacus"). They adopted the owl as a symbol, used codes, divided the organization into ranks such as Novice, Minerval, and Enlightened Minerval, and distrusted anyone over the age of 30 (seeing them as too devoted to their own interests and ideas). The Enlightened Minervals claimed to have hermetic knowledge, but in reality they had only one goal, which was to overthrow the monarchy in Bavaria.
The symbol of the organization was not the all-seeing eye at the top of a pyramid, as everyone thought. The logo of the Illuminati was an owl. Minerva, a Latin word, is the goddess of intelligence, art, strategy, and peace in Roman mythology and was always depicted with an owl. The owl in the organization's logo was Minerva's owl and, in this context, symbolized intelligence, creativity, and strategic thinking.
Meanwhile, the organization began working to spread Weishaupt's message. In cities across Germany, Illuminati members sought out wealthy and influential men - despite their Enlightenment principles, they did not accept women, Jews, pagans, or monks - to recruit.
Through the intermediary of German diplomats Baron Adolf Franz Friedrich and Freiherr von Knigge, Weishaupt also reached out to Masonic lodges. He himself joined a lodge in 1777, promoting the Illuminati as a form of "pure" Freemasonry and emphasizing its teachings against religion and government.
Adam Weishaupt's ideas soon spread beyond Germany to France, Denmark, Italy, Poland and Denmark. Hundreds, if not thousands, of doctors, engineers, anti-monarchist politicians and scientists joined the organization. However, there is an opinion that in their relations with the Freemasons, the Freemasons allegedly smuggled the organization's structure, ideas and even some of its members to them, and that the Freemasons leaked to the Duke of Bavaria what the Illuminati were planning.
In 1785, however, the organization criticized the monarchy a little too loudly, leading Duke Karl Theodor of Bavaria to ban secret societies in 1784. This was precisely the goal of the Illuminati organization. To free Bavaria, but with a lifespan of less than 10 years, the Illuminati organization was shut down, raided, and some members eliminated.
But when we get to the 1970s, the situation suddenly changes. No one had ever heard of the organization before the publication of the book "Illuminatus" by some authors in the 1970s about the secret workings of the Illuminati. The book was a combination of facts and theories and was written to create a certain idea in the mind of the reader. By the way, one of the authors, Robert Wilson, gained so much attention thanks to this subject that he soon became a billionaire.
With a lifespan of less than 10 years, the Illuminati, according to the facts you have read about it, let us tell you why and how it is a cover for certain ideas.
The Second World War marked the beginning of Western expansionism in political and economic terms. It was during this period that the concept of the New World Order was born. Through the work of Robert Wilson, the Illuminati organization became associated with the idea of a "One World Government". By using mainstream media, literature and politics around the world, they hid much more secret goals, especially by using secret organizations that do not exist today.
Thus, the old secret organizations have been replaced by new big legal organizations. Now it is time to think more about who rules the world. Because sometimes the targets are exposed, sometimes covered up, and sometimes non-existent organizations or front organizations are blamed.
In another article we will discuss the New World Order and the One World State. We will evaluate the roles of various organizations, corporations and individuals.
Levent Aslan
22 December 2024
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