Authors Gregg Braden and Daniel Estulin have recently started a dialogue about the transhumanist movement, which, whether you like it or not, we are being dragged into as a whole world and which is attracting suspicion. This dialogue is actually a discussion, of course, and before we elaborate on this deep topic, let's get a brief information about the authors.
Who is Gregg Braden?
Gregg Braden is an educator and scientist born 28 June 1954 in the USA. A five-time New York Times bestselling author, Braden is a pioneer of a new paradigm that bridges science, social policy and human potential. His books such as The Divine Matrix, The God Code, Fractal Time have been translated into Turkish.
Who is Daniel Estulin?
Daniel Estulin is a conspiracy theorist born on 29 August 1966 in Lithuania. He is currently organising videos on deep world movements on the channel named Daniel Estulin Offical on YouTube and participates as a speaker in various conferences around the world. Estulin's main topic is the Bilderberg Group. The Bilderberg Meeting, or better known as the Bilderberg Group, is an unregistered forum founded in 1954 and aims to supposedly improve communication between North America and Europe. Its agenda, which was initially to prevent a possible new world war, is now to protect the free market, Western capitalism and its interests, wherever they may be in the world.
Gregg Braden, a prolific writer on the cross-section between science and spirituality, is concerned about a growing transhumanist movement in which young people, despite their interest in technology, are conditioned to see themselves as powerless victims with flawed emotional responses. Human emotions are seen as a defect because they overshadow reason. Sexual reproduction through physical intimacy involving emotions is also seen as a defect because the outcome at birth is unpredictable.
Technological Overlords Conditioning the Masses
For example: Yuval Noah Harari, a senior advisor to the World Economic Forum, has openly declared that humans are increasingly ‘useless’ and claims that a time is coming when this useless class of human beings will become obsolete. According to him, human free will and autonomy will be a thing of the past.
Yes, influential people like Harari openly express such anti-human rhetoric, but few people pay attention to early warning signs like this. If you take the time to read the white papers of the World Economic Forum (WEF) you will realise that these influential people at the helm of the world community see overpopulation and imperfect human development as the main obstacle to the realisation of their collective vision.
The WEF (World Economic Forum) is only one of many global organisations that have written extensively on the so-called overpopulation problem.
Harari has stated that the useless human class will eventually be purged from commerce and modern life, and will probably be kept ‘happy’ through drug use and immersion in video games or virtual reality.
To return to Braden's point, today's young people are encouraged by the establishment to see themselves as victims in need of some kind of ‘rescue’. One of the so-called saviours being touted is technology. Braden claims that while technology is a wonderful thing, we are currently being asked to give our humanity to technology without fully understanding what we are giving away.
We could put it this way: It is a wonderful thing that technology serves humanity, but not vice versa.
Daniel Estulin, author of several books on globalist elites, claims that the elites see themselves as waging a war against us, the people. What's more, Estulin argues that for the first time in human history as defined by humankind, elites have the capacity to create a new species, so to speak. This power comes from genome editing technology.
Gene editing consists of a group of technologies that allow scientists to alter the DNA of an organism. These technologies allow genetic material to be added, removed or altered at specific locations within the genome.
Estulin argues that elites are funding mainstream science to create their own human species. Ectogenesis (ectogenesis*), in other words, the cultivation of human beings outside the womb, is a method currently being pursued. Of course, genetic intervention, a must for the elite, is also part of these operations.
Therefore, according to him, humanity is currently losing the war that is being quietly waged by this relatively small but powerful group of elites. In his research, he discovered that this powerful elite group is playing a long game, while the rest of humanity is not. According to Estulin, most of us are completely unaware that we are being driven in a certain direction and are simply continuing the journey.
Daniel Estulin claims that the ruling elite plan their agenda hundreds of years in advance. For example, at the end of the Second World War in 1945, when the Soviets were celebrating their victory over Nazi Germany, the financial elite that created the Breton Woods economic system was already planning the dismemberment of the Soviet Union, which would take place 50 years later.
Behavioural change for the masses
Estulin argues that human rights and the concept of a nation-state republic are under attack by the oligarchy's massive social engineering agenda, carried out by numerous organisations such as the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations.
Estulin claims that such social engineering organisations see us as a kind of philosophical, axiomatic enemy and are actively engaged in changing social behaviour. According to him, this change in social behaviour is aimed at transforming us from a human society to a post-human society and ultimately to a post-human society.
Braden agrees and believes that, although most people do not realise it, humanity is engaged in a very real war.
He points to what he calls the 'fifth battlefield', which is being waged by the old media in a blatant attempt to reprogramme public thought and belief. He calls it 'the war for what we believe'.
For example, there is a war on what we believe about ourselves and our origins. Are we just the product of random mutations, or is there a purpose to our existence?
Braden believes that this war distracts us from an even older war that has been going on for thousands of years: the war for our humanity. Beyond this battle, Braden believes, is an even greater battle for our divinity.
Braden points out that although most people assume that divinity refers to a religious view of God, divinity is actually defined as the ability to transcend perceived human limitations. In other words, divinity is the ability to be more than the limits we assume for ourselves. If we lose this ability, he argues, we become much more vulnerable to such social conditioning.
Estulin points out that elites force us to change our way of life, in many cases without our consent or awareness. The majority of the human population has no idea that such a thing is happening.
According to Estulin, the spark of Divine intelligence is associated with human identity, and the elites are actively working to subjugate this identity and replace it with an artificial, synthetic false spirit.
Braden agrees with this view and points out that although such a change of identity was achieved in the distant past by blatantly authoritarian methods, such a strategy will no longer work in the modern age. This is why a new strategy for the target has been put in place.
Braden argues that in the modern era such identity manipulation is taking place through social media algorithms and the curation of legacy news media. None of this is accidental. Social media and news media are being used to programme the masses into an agenda that serves the elite, not the masses. Through the use of mass mind control methodologies, social media and news media influence people to make choices against their own interests in favour of a post-human agenda.
Braden believes that this mass mind control is so pervasive that it will not take another generation to see the consequences. In other words, we are at a crossroads where there must be a conscious realisation of our predicament.
Technological Slavery
In the past, slavery and colonisation were carried out through military aggression and brute force. However, as Estulin points out, the subjugation to slavery now takes place through advanced technologies. According to Estulin, the Internet is nothing more than ‘a digital gulag under the control of Big Brother within the confines of this perpetual hybrid war’. Here we will use the metaphorical term prison for the gulag, which in the Soviet Union was known as the Chief Administration for the Management of Labour Camps (the institution).
According to Estulin, the difference between prisons in various countries and digital prisons is that traditional prisons take the form of concentration camps surrounded by barbed wire fences, while digital prisons are made up of individuals who voluntarily ask permission to be admitted to a concentration camp. For most people, not having access to the internet or social media is like being deprived of oxygen. They cannot live or develop without it.
Author Whitney Webb has recently brought to public attention another form of technological slavery imposed by financial elites. This new technology, the fractal digital tokenisation of nature and natural resources and the associated Digital Identity, is being touted by elites as a more ‘inclusive’ financial system. But as Webb makes clear, this new technological system is far from inclusive because it excludes anyone who refuses to be part of it. And since it will be the only financial system on the planet, anyone who refuses to participate in it will be excluded by default and, of course, die.
Braden, a long-time musician, discusses how most successful songwriters attribute their songs to something outside of themselves, saying that this creativity comes through them rather than being created by them. This access to creative inspiration and imagination is part of what Braden calls our divinity, and Braden believes that this divinity is in jeopardy when we are encouraged to overcome our perceived flaws by surgically implanting computer chips designed to enhance our creativity.
Books have been written about where this creative inspiration comes from, but the technological elite want to replace it with synthetic technology.
Another example of technology's usurpation of our humanity comes in the form of mRNA ‘vaccines’ that are perfectly capable and designed to create artificial immune systems to replace our natural human immune systems. Not only have these vaccines compromised the immune systems of many people who have used them, but mysterious white clots have appeared in vaccinated cadavers after the cause of death has been ‘determined’. The fact that these white clots were largely untested has resulted in a massive global cover-up of many suspicious deaths and vaccine injuries related to mRNA technology.
Returning to the debate between Braden and Estulin, Estulin points to visible signs of the collective degradation of society. For example, the mainstream fields of physics and maths are now seen as racist subjects created by white people with white privilege.
He argues that the widespread reliance on things like artificial intelligence and Wikipedia for ‘education’ is indicative of both social behaviour change and social degradation. He believes that society is designed to be dependent on concentration camp technology for survival.
We were told that if we did not take these untested, experimental gene therapies, we would become murderers of others and/or die horrible deaths. We have been told that these technologies are ‘100% safe and effective’ and that taking them means that we will never get Covid and certainly not die from the disease. Yet this author's stepfather died of double Covid pneumonia less than a year after being vaccinated and boosted. A neighbour who was vaccinated at the same time had to end his weightlifting sports career for ‘unknown’ reasons.
And recently this author spoke to a stranger who said that since being vaccinated he had been dealing with recurring circulatory problems and had therefore had to repeatedly seek medical attention. Don't you still see a pattern that they are trying to drag a society into? Maybe, because this is just the tip of the iceberg.
The mRNA technologies with which the current presidential administration is trying to force 80 million Americans to get vaccinated or otherwise be fired (which OSHA tried to implement, but was blocked by a lawsuit) is another example of technological slavery, which is established using various forms of crisis, fear, anger, civil division and hysteria to manipulate the masses into obedience.
Three Levels of Transhumanism
Braden and Estulin agree that they do not demonise technology, which can be a very empowering thing in modern life. But at the higher levels of transhumanism, some serious limits that protect the future of humanity are grossly violated.
According to Braden, there are at least three levels of transhumanism:
Level 1 - This level uses various forms of technology to repair and replace various aspects of the human body. Examples include knee replacements, hip replacements and contact lenses.
Level 2 - This level of transhumanism uses synthetic parts to completely replace human organs. For example, modern technology can now 3D print an epidermis for use on burn victims.
Level 3 - Although this level sounds like science fiction, it is quite real and possibly dangerous because it reduces consciousness to bits and bytes and aims to upload human consciousness into a computer.
The first two levels of transhumanism are already very popular and bring many great benefits to society. But the third level is problematic.
In fact, there is a quest for ‘immortality’ being pursued by scientists who believe that consciousness can be imprisoned in a computer chip. And if consciousness could be stored on a server, all one would have to do is upload their consciousness into another body before their previous body wears out.
This scenario is similar to that depicted in Joss Whedon's failed science fiction series Dollhouse, in which attractive young adults are tricked into allowing their minds to be ‘erased’ and replaced by personalities downloaded into their bodies, only to later learn that this technology was developed for the elite, allowing them to download their consciousness into younger bodies when their older bodies wear out and die.
The problem with this technological ‘development’ is that it is driven by an innate fear of mortality. And acting out of fear is never an ideal basis for building a conscious future. It can only bring about the very thing that is feared: in this case death.
In addition to the pressure for consciousness stored in computer chips, there is the pressure for human creativity to be replaced by supercomputers implanted in human brains, and for human emotions to be replaced by a special class of pharmaceutical chemicals designed to enhance and stabilise human emotions. Harari himself has mentioned this.
Aldous Huxley's “Brave New World”, also straight out of science fiction, predicts that in the future, people will enthusiastically accept their slavery to the scientific dictatorship by willingly taking drugs that make them ecstatic and mesmerized.
The Destruction of the Old Order to Bring in the New Order: The Creation of a New Posthuman Era and a Post-Industrial World
Estulin argues that elites have long had the desire to create a new kind of human being with limited cognitive capacity, easily reproduced and manipulated for their own purposes. With today's technology and the direction it is taking, Estulin believes that this is now possible and will become increasingly so.
Indeed, Harari has openly stated that once technology can create its own brains and nervous systems, the useless human class will eventually be replaced. Humans will largely no longer be needed.
For the future of the post-industrial society they envision to materialize, they must first destroy the existing power structures and infrastructures that stand in their way.
That is why they are actively dismantling the industrial and post-industrial worlds to make way for the new post-industrial society. This is the 'Great Reset'. This is the real reason why they are trying to destroy gas, oil and coal. It has nothing to do with the environmental crisis and everything to do with the establishment of a corporate-controlled global government governed by a dystopian philosophy where you will own nothing, rent everything (even the shirt off your back) and be 'happy'.
At this point, I personally don't think that this will be very healthy. There may be a deficiency or a mistake in the definition of consciousness. Because the concept of consciousness and the concept of the soul are found in different places in mainstream terminology and even exclude the concept of the soul completely. However, since the Ancient Greeks, one point of view bases life on a binary system and there are countless proofs of its reality, and this is not consciousness but the soul. Consciousness, intellect can be replaced by artificial intelligence, memories can be sent to a computer memory, but I believe that behavior can be developed with the soul and character. In the end, I believe that all these conspiratorial plans will deflate like a balloon when the time comes.
*Ectogenesis (Eng: ‘ectogenesis’) refers to the full or partial development of a foetus outside the human body. This process differs from natural pregnancy in that the foetus develops in an environment outside the uterus. The process is technically carried out through the creation of an artificial uterus or fertilised egg in an external environment. In addition, ectogenesis is a process that involves the use of artificial uterus technology or ectopic pregnancy devices, as the foetus develops in an environment outside the body.
Levent Aslan
Source (web): Subtle Energy
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