The whole story of the Philadelphia Experiment stems from Carl M. Allen’s letters to the astronomer, researcher, and writer Morris K. Jessup. Carl provided most of the “facts” that are still used in books today. You will find below thre short story about the horrible epxperiment of Rainbow Project...


This article describing the alleged experiment in 1943 is a summary of an eight year study. Scientific and mediatic coverage of the experiment began after that the movie brought the "Philadelphia Experiment" in 1980 was released.

Previously, according to the public, the occurance was just a ridiculous rumor. Even the book written jointly by Charles Berlitz and William Moore was lost in the waves created by the Daniken lunacy, and was accepted as a fantasy without receiving enough attention. Of course, there are still doubts about the experiment, since it has not been accepted officially. The sequence of events you will read below is surprising, thought provoking and realistic. Considering today's conditions, the Philadelphia Experiment is a much more effective and thought-provoking claim. Since there is no one left from the handful of people mentioned in this event, the US secret archives must be disclosed for definitive verification. Even the permission received with difficulty from the state for the film raises doubts and draws attention. Alfred Bielek, who devoted his life to researching the Philadelphia Experiment and also wrote a book called “The Philadelphia Experiment from A to Z”, was telling us that he had almost reached the point of insanity while telling us all about the occurance.

I've had enough of reading things;

By neurotic, psychotic, pig-headed politicians ;

All I want is the truth, now…

The number of witnesses was small, but the information was plentiful. It is like that I choose the goods I want from the stalls in the supermarket. It was never easy to decide what was necessary and how right.  All I want is the truth, now, As John Lennon said…

I fought to stay away from bogus scientific phrases, psycho-spiritual claims and aliens. Despite all my diligence, after the book was published, I got reaction and I saw that there were some people who did not like the events mentioned in the book. However, I wanted to embellish this current myth a little bit. I mentioned UFOs and the Bermuda Triangle as drawings to excite the reader a little, but I never ventured into the delusion that aliens find human flesh as delicious as chicken.

Universal Time Clock

The official and scientific name of the experiment was Project Rainbow. Project Rainbow allegedly lived through a small destroyer-type warship during the Second World War. The place of the occurance was Philadelphia Naval Base. The goal was to make the ship invisible so that the enemy would not notice it.  According to the project, the idea was original and the ship would suddenly appear at the desired location without the enemy radars noticing. The scientific definition was called optical invisibility. The ship would be invisible while a very strong magnetic field created by a special system or generator would bend or break the beams or radar waves that would surround the ship. Even his thought looked like a miracle, and the Rainbow Project was allegedly successful. So the ship was physically lost and returned again. According to witnesses, the magnetic field that surrounded the ship like a cloak did its job, but the main goal was to make the ship appear in another place, not where it disappeared. In other words, teleportation should have been done. The Philadelphia Experiment was based on Albert Einstein's unified field theory of gravity and electricity. The theory was conceived as electronic camouflage by experimenters. Einstein published his theory in a Prussian scientific journal in Germany between 1925-27, but he had not tried or even fully developed his theory. 

The aim at that time was to provide a very strong electromagnetic field, to make the ships invisible, and thus to protect them from artillery shells and torpedoes from submarines. Fundamental studies of the experiment began at the University of Chicago in the early 1930s as Project Rainbow, and then it was moved to Princeton University in 1931. Einstein, Dr. John Von Neumannn and Doctor Nikola Tesla took part in this project from time to time. Here, the work and memories of Doctor Alfred Bielek are very important. Bielek claimed that once every 20 years, on August 12, the magnetic energy field re-forms. So after 1943, this happened in 1963 and 1983, and the reason for this mystery was synchronization. Energy fields regrouped and rippled out, but these fields were complex and confused. According to the memoirs of Bielek, who died in 1986, Neumann, the father of the computer, confirmed the event and his statement was on tape tapes. Neumann also said that not learning the laws of nature properly could be very dangerous, and he was afraid. While the huge energy created was synchronized at the right angle, it suddenly got out of control and turned into directionless waves, and unusual effects began. Asynchronous waves were bending and affecting time.

Another interesting approach came from Henry Levenson, a professor of mathematics at the University of Visconsin. Levenson said that time is concentrated around a central field and works with the codes by which all existence is and will take place, creating a "Time Clock". Levenson added that “Everything living is inside the codes. All material existence on Earth is according to the world clock or time. The Earth is adjusted according to the Sundial, and the Sun is according to the Galactic Time. If the time lock is broken by a high and powerful energy field, various kinds of time and space imbalances will result. Until time corrects itself and finds its balance.


Mysterious Death of a Scientist

Let’s go back to the Philadelphia Experiment, rather to Philadelphia. We are in the time of the event. The story began in June 1943. The ship's name was USS Eldridge. DE 173 was classified as a protection destroyer. According to a witness, two huge 75 KVA generators were mounted under the ship's front gun turrets. From here, 4 magnetic rays would emanate from the ship's deck. Three RF transmitters (each of 2 megawatts CW and they were mounted on the deck.) 3000 6L6 booster tubes would radiate the power generated by the 2 generators. Special synchronization and modulation circuits and other equipment were refracted while reducing the resulting massive electromagnetic fields to usability, and rays and radio waves would surround the ship, ultimately making it invisible to enemy observers.

The destroyer, the USS Eldridge, was laying barefoot in front of the Philadelphia Naval Base. A freighter named SS Andrew Furuseth was chosen as the observation ship. According to the allegations, the person who caused the beginning of the Philadelphia Experiment legend is a sailor, one of the crew of this ship.

This man was named Dr. Carl M. Allen, in 1950, Morris K. wrote some strange letter to Jessup, but the name on the envelope was Carlos Miguel Allende. According to the explanations in the letter, Allende or Allen seemed to have watched the whole thing. Jessup wrote a letter to the mailbox given as address, asking for details, and another letter came: Allen wanted hypnosis, sodium pentatol (a drug that is said to suppress the will by numbing consciousness), and tape recordings, ready to verify the truth of what he said. He wrote that the event was effectively explained, that people could even go to the stars with such a system. Jessup, on the other hand, thought that at least one of the man's claims might be true.

Carlos Miguel Allende

Actually, Jessup was a mathematician and astronomer. He did doctorate on philosophy for his work in astrophysics. He studied the Incas and Mayas. He has published dissertations on the Bermuda Triangle and UFOs. After the second letter, Jessup received an invitation from the Marine Forces. When he went to the Naval Research Bureau, he was handed a book he had written himself and which was mailed to the bureau a year ago. Jessup remembered that he had sent a draft of the book "The Case for the UFO" to Admiral N. Furth of the Marine Corps, but the Admiral said he had no idea. There were notes written in three different handwritings on the pages of the book. Dr Jessup noticed that one of the handwritings was the same as Allen's. It was as if the notes were written as an extraterrestrial observation. This was pretty interesting. Civilizations from thousands of years ago were mentioned, and also the spacecraft that came to earth were described. Finally, there was talk of force fields, how an object could be lost and found again, and the experiment conducted in Philadelphia in 1943.

Author of The Case for UFO, Dr. Morris K Jessup

For some reason, this book, which should normally be described as nonsense, was specially distributed by the US government to certain high-ranking officials in the Pentagon.  Who was the man who wrote a letter to Dr Jessup as Carlos Miguel Allende or Carl Meredith Allen, describing the experiment? Why did he disappear after writing the letter and why didn't he send his story to the press? Why was the US government interested in Jessup's book with various notes on it? In April 1959, Jessup, asked and wanted to meet his friend Dr. Mason Valentine by telling him that he had reached definitive conclusions about the experiment on phone. They were to meet for dinner on the evening of April 20, but this dinner would never take place.

That night, in Hammock Park in Miami, Doctor Morris K Jessup was found dead in his car. According to police reports, he had committed suicide with exhaust gas in his car, and the notes in question were not found. Yet his friends claimed that Jessup was never the type to commit suicide. Valentine claimed to have learned that Jessup was still alive when he was taken to the hospital. But there was no result and the case was closed. Was that so? What had happened to Jessup's work on the Philadelphia Experiment? The mystery is still not solved.


The Terrible Thing Begins

According to the witness, the experiment was started at 10:09 am on June 22, 1943, with the generators powered up. A magnetic field was created. Then a greenish mist began to shade over the ship. The USS Eldridge was disappearing.

The witness continues: “For a moment I could only see the anchor of the ship, then it disappeared too. There was no more fog, and we were looking at the empty sea. The senior officers and scientists on our ship were holding their breath in fear and excitement, watching their incredible achievements. The ship and crew had vanished not only from the radar but also from before our eyes. Everything was going as planned Fifteen minutes later the order was given and the generators were switched off. Nothing happened, then the green mist reappeared and the USS Eldridge began to appear or return. But where was it coming from?

As the fog cleared, we sensed something was wrong and we boarded the ship immediately. We first saw most of the crew vomitting by hanging over the side of the ship. Others wandered around the deck, bewildered, unconscious. Authorized crews entered the ship and quickly removed the entire crew and were replaced by a new crew on standby.  A few days later a new experiment was decided. The ship had achieved the desired radar invisibility. The equipment was changed and on 28 October 1943 the experiment was again conducted on the same ship. Just after the generators had started, the destroyer had almost reached the line of invisibility. Only her prow and poop were visible, while some lines were vaguely visible. Then only a boat-length line remained on the water, a few minutes later a blue light flashed and that line disappeared. The ship was now completely gone. It reappeared a few minutes later in Norfolk, miles away, but disappeared again for some unknown reason shortly after being spotted and reappeared in Philadelphia. This time the situation was serious, the entire crew was in trouble. Some vanished and never returned, but the most terrifying was that the Five sailors were trapped inside the ship's metal sheets, which melted and then solidified again. It was a disastrous event, someone survived but was never recovered. He had completely lost his mind, but there was nothing he could do. Some had developed psychic abilities. There were people who disappeared and reappeared while walking on the street. Missing crew members inside the magnetic field were only visible when someone touched their face or hand, so touching had to be done in a place where there was no clothing. This situation, called "freezing", could last for hours or days. In fact, a crew member was able to survive after 6 months of freezing. What caused the ship and her crew to completely disappear after the electronic camouflage started, to reappear in a very distant place and then to return again? The question still has no answer, but the Philadelphia Experiment was the scariest, most incredible thing I've ever experienced. All I know is that I was not hers to know what the expertswere thinking.”


Hollographical Balloons

How did the ship go to Norfolk? Why didn't she go somewhere in Philadelphia again? Levenson's time locks?

We live in a time series, a moment passes in our every move, and we are surrounded by space that goes on without time. The time frame that occurs when we exist for a moment in a place in space-time, that is, the picture of that moment, is captured in accordance with the local space-time conditions and spreads out from the earth to the solar system, but does not go into space. It orbits around the solar system. It is like teleportation, that is, a picture of our every move is taken and placed in the album in space. These infinite images or slices of time have existed since creation, so we can go back and see all the images in space-time, not in world time.

The other condition of this formation is today's absorbability. The present moment inflates like a balloon, creating a holographic image. This is an area of ​​accumulation of single snapshots and is in a special space area. So in that space there is this moment and all the moments in the past.

That's why the USS Eldridge showed up in Norfolk because it was there in the past. In the warped space-time domain, the picture of the moment the ship was there in the past has emerged and the ship has been seen. So he is in both Philadelphia and Norfolk at that time. If we can distort the time domain enough, matter might momentarily appear where it was in the past. That matter was displaced in space-time, not in world-time, because it was there all of a sudden before. If someone had stopped the energy before the transfer was complete during the event, the matter particles would be irradiated and vacuumed back to their source to be absorbed, returning to their original place at this moment. Imagine two balloons, one containing the USS Eldridge in Philadelphia. The other balloon is in Norfolk, but it is empty. An intangible holographic image appears in this empty balloon, and this image is actually a spatial image from somewhere in the past. The picture of every moment in the past exists as a holographic image bubble. You can also think of it as the frames of a cartoon or an animation, and this sequence of images is composed for everything that exists. Now notice, if we squeeze the filled balloon in Philadelphia containing the USS Eldridge itself, you create a material connecting corridor or material tube leading to the empty balloon in Norfolk, so the image is towards the ship...

At this point one-quarter of the source is empty, three-quarters of the target is full. At this very moment, what would happen if someone stopped squeezing the balloon? The irradiated matter returns in waves, returning to the original spatial fields, and again filling the bubble by vacuuming. The pressure, or compression energy, is released before the "highly vibrating magnetic fields" are transferred. The resulting waves create huge distortion or distortional effects, leaving the mass without volume in its field. The effects of living organisms in the recording field are as thin as paper, as they become waves, the victims become ghostly recordings during the recording of all waves. The degradation of this bio-plasmic received can lead to serious physical problems. This possibility is deadly and startling, but it cannot be done. You cannot make a picture with a word processing program on a computer. If the aim is invisibility, various definitions and interpretations can be made, but why didn't the ship sink into the water or appear in the middle of a city on land? The answer is above. Because they don't exist in the picture of the past, and judging by the negative results, there is something wrong with the experiment, but what are they?


Philadelphia Experiment is Possible

The Philadelphia experiment is much more relevant today than it was in 1943, after these scientific accounts. New details are learned from new sources, and according to another claim, the people involved in the project were brainwashed to forget what they saw, but years later, the living witnesses started to talk because the memories started to come back. Bielek talks about these new allegations in his book. There are some important questions that immediately come to mind after listening to the story.

USS Eldridge Destroyer

Was the Philadelphia Experiment really done aboard a destroyer called the USS Eldridge or another ship in 1943? What happened to this ship?

Did a huge destroyer really go 6,000 kilometers away in the blink of an eye?

What happened to the crew that took part in both experiments, where are they now, and are there any survivors 54 years later? Why didn't any of them show up and tell the story?

How did the US Navy hide such an important scientific step for 50 years?

What was this technology like, which had achieved such a terrible result?

Was Einstein's Unified Field Theory real? But was this theory developed and completed?

Behind what closed door are the files on the Philadelphia Experiment being kept today?

Many more questions can be asked, but as in every subject that may attract the attention of societies and other states, the questions of this experiment cannot be answered. Bielek also sought answers to some of the above questions, but the answers were not satisfactory enough. What relationship might there be between UFOs and the Philadelphia Experiment? Who was Doctor Reinhart? This name was heard in the book about the Philadelphia Experiment called "Thin Air", which was also published in Turkey under the name "Disappeared". The book was written by George Simpson and R. Burger. According to Alfred Bielek and Preston Nicholas, Doctor Rainhart was the pseudonym of a scientist named Bill Moore. Moore made the scientific calculations of the early stages of the experiment and even took part in the experiment himself. He was an expert in the bending of light, but who was he and where was he? Jessup's friend, Doctor Valentine, said in an interview with Charles Berlitz;

“I think the Philadelphia Experiment cannot be explained in familiar and customary ways. Some scientists are of the opinion that the basic structure of the atom consists of electromagnetic fields, not matter particles. It is the phenomenon of very complex energy fields influencing each other. It would be surprising if there were no folded phases of matter in such a universe. The transition from one of these phases to the next is like going from one life to another, it is an interdimensional change, so there can be worlds within worlds. It was suspected that magnetic fields could induce changes as agitators. Intentionally creating unusual magnetic conditions can alter the phase of matter, both physically and vitally, thus distorting the time factor, which is not an independent entity but is part of a certain matter-time-energy dimension similar to the life we ​​live in. In short, experimentation is possible.”

Levent ASLAN

Levent ASLAN


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