Space, there are approximately two trillion galaxies in this infinite universe where the eternal possibilites occur. In the midst of this estimation based on calculations, we do not occupy even a speck of dust in universe.

Space, there are approximately two trillion galaxies in this infinite universe where the eternal possibilites occur. In the midst of this estimation based on calculations, we do not occupy even a speck of dust in universe. But what kind of clue does this piece of information give to those who know what a galaxy is? These numbers bring with them the possibility of countless lives, even intelligent lives. But our subject is black holes that symbolize both death and life in universe as a result of new findings.

According to astronomers' predictions, there is a supermassive black hole at the center of almost each galaxy. These monstrous black holes can range in size from the Sagittarius A black hole, which is 4.3 million times the mass of the Sun, to Ton 618 black hole which is 68 billion times the sun. The unknown is that how they got there.

Supernova is the name given to the violent explosion of Big Stars that run out of energy. The luminosity of a supernova can reach a hundred million times the luminosity of the Sun. This violent explosion leaves a black hole behind. But no scientists yet know how the supermassive black hole is formed. For most of the cosmos's history, galaxy centers have been places where many matters have been compressed into a small volume. It is thought that supermassive black holes may have been formed from stellar black holes merging with each other when they were in a dense cluster.

The tentative evidence for this theory comes from the merger of two black holes, which was revealed by the recently uncovered detection of gravitational waves. One of the merging black holes was too large to be a supernova remnant, so it was thought that it may have arisen from a previous merger. An alternative way to create a supermassive black hole would be the direct contraction of a dense gas cloud. Or it may have arisen from a combination of black hole mergers with the collapse of the gas cloud.

It is also possible that supermassive black holes formed during the Big Bang. This theory may provide a solution to the egg-chicken paradox of cosmology. Which came first. Galaxies or supermassive black holes? Instead of galaxies forming first and then creating such monsters, supermassive black holes may have formed first and then galaxies may have been born around these black holes.

Despite their massive compacted mass, the largest super black holes can be the size of the Solar System at most. Yet they can radiate their power over millions of light-years through superfast streams of matter, which they errupt in opposite directions. Where these material flows are fast (usually the inner regions of the galaxy), gas is removed and star formation is damped. Where matter flows slow down, the gases get compressed and stars begin to form. In fact, powerful currents from the largest black holes are also creating the masses of newly formed stars. it seems to produce smaller and relatively cool stars like our Sun. Who knows, maybe we should thank Sagittarius A, the supermassive black hole. Perhaps we were formed from the gases it errupted.

Levent ASLAN



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