Being aware of outer space
The closest star to us, thought having a planetery system, is Centaurus, at 4,3 light year distance. Radio waves sent to get a response from a planet of Centaurus come and go every eight and a half years. This question and answer process is 22 years for the Tau Ceti Star system. Thus, we see that the time transmitting signals to stars hundreds of thousands of light years away and wait for a response is longer than the entire lifetime of humanity. This process can be measured by the existence and extinction process of civilizations, and what is transmitted is ultimately nothing more than a simple radio signal. Contemplating crossing interstellar mega-distances now, and even in the distant future, may seem like a bittersweet dream. But it is our universal mission to search for intelligent life among galaxies in space.
The "Ozma Project" was the first step, initiated by Dr Frank Drake of the US West Virginia National Radio Astronomy Observatory in 1960. “Tau Ceti” and “Epsilon Eridani”, which are two solar-type stars, were chosen as targets. Interstellar hydrogen measurements were made on both stars. After 150 hours of observation, the project was canceled in May 1961 on the grounds that no results could be obtained. Another reason for this cancellation was that technical equipment had to be developed and the necessary investment was not allowed. Thus, the Ozma Project took its place in history as a first step towards this universal target, but the next one was to come.
Could not we notice the relation?
Interstellar drilling is a very difficult task. For example, when examining each pair of celestial bodies (they are called Lagrange Nodes. Jozef Lagrange 1736-1813) in the zero gravity field in a 5 degree area, it was determined that the objects stopped without drawing an orbit. These nodes are ideal for space drilling, they give us the necessary separation; In other words, we can distinguish the celestial bodies that form the gravitational field and orbital effect. Hungarian astronomer Zoltan Kopal suggested that these nodes were ideal places to build space platforms. After all, all research is for the future and for the very distant future, the results are hidden there. There is no definite method and definite result to communicate with an extraterrestrial intelligence, but all these belong to us, that is, they show the level of technology and scientific understanding that humanity has reached.
UFOs and strange flying objects have been seen in the Earth's atmosphere for thousands of years. Perhaps we are being observed or detained by other races. This observation may be in the form of electronic eyes and ears through an automatic program, we may not be able to exceed their technological security, and perhaps our technology (radars, planes, satellites, etc.) cannot detect extraterrestrial technology. They may be testing us or monitoring our technological progress for a very long time.
The universal model is like ours
According to modern science, the UFO phenomenon can still be explained despite all the unknowns. They may be weather balloons, unrecognized planes, satellites, or remnants of satellites, but all these did not exist thousands of years ago. All objections and scientific explanations are at the level of current technology, and this is what is disturbing or suspicious. Whereas relationships formed over the past centuries show mysterious visitors. Perhaps the third kind of relationships are becoming more and more isolated as time goes on, rather than being revealed. The celestial body seen by the prophet Ezekiel in the Torah or the celestial event experienced in Fatima may be UFO phenomena. If we accept at least some of what happened as fact, for a moment, similar events in the past seem to be more open to the public.
As we get closer to the present day, it is seen that ordinary people are contacted instead of the authorities, where UFO events take place in desolate places where they occur in more isolated places. Could this be a method? An extraterrestrial race must have reached far beyond a civilizational process that we know and understand. Our civilization process is a short period of time next to their civilization process, perhaps hundreds of thousands of years. Their automation monitoring system may be considered a mission we cannot define, but it is not important that we understand what they are doing and thinking. Even our perception is difficult. It can be very difficult to understand the scientific and social space logic of a civilization that is different from ours and much older than ours. The most important thing is the concept of the existence of an extraterrestrial race.
From here we'll start off with another possibility. If the unexplained part of UFOs is real and a technology product of an extraterrestrial civilization is in front of us, the representatives of this civilization are hominid, that is, humanoid. And if there are humanoids in these vehicles, they might look like us. Some observers' descriptions are in this direction. So we can roughly think of the human species as a universal form, why not?
Garbage from the distant past;
If the human race is of extraterrestrial origin and, according to this view, it was born 40 thousand years ago and then civilization collapsed and the "Mother Culture" disappeared, it would be useful to review our knowledge of the past. Although the period of 40 thousand years seems very little compared to the life process of the Earth, it is also seen that the life span of human civilizations on the stage of history as we know does not exceed 3000 years.
In addition, the process of civilizations is directly proportional to human life. Longevity also affects civilizations, but interstellar life may be much longer, indicative of longer civilizations. Maybe this is the reason behind the claims that people in the holy books that symbolize the past live so long. The possibility of an extraterrestrial origin view is not as low as one might think. Moreover, its appearance as science fiction, on the contrary, is supportive. Beyond the 40,000-year thesis, millions of years ago, extraterrestrial spacecraft may have come from very old stars and brought their own civilizations of thousands of centuries. So they must have left traces. Of course, this way of thinking is an assumption that needs proof. Whether or not we accept other cultures from outer space at the root of our cultural and physical development, we need evidence. But does such evidence really exist?
Cube and Vessel Paradox
In 1885, a strange object was found inside a geological coal block in a coal mine in Silesia. The history of the coal bed dates back 10 million years, so the object inside must have arrived there 10 million years ago. This object was a geometric object, namely a cube, measuring 67x47 cm and weighing 737 grams. Its two faces were oval. On the other side, there was a slit reaching to the middle, and a nickel-carbon mixed steel structure was determined in the analysis. Sulfur ratio was low and natural pyrite ratio was sufficient. As it is known, steel is not natural, it is a factory production, that is, it is a chemical result or product. According to some experts, the object was artificial because it is not possible for the necessary chemical formation chain in nature to come to such a result by chance, let alone a geometric object. The mysterious cube was in the Salzburg Museum until 1910. If this cube was buried in a coal bed millions of years ago and is artificial, it is understood that it was not made by human beings. Could this strange object be garbage left by a spacecraft that visited Earth millions of years ago?
There is another one. Imagine a bell-shaped vessel, measuring 10 x 15 centimeters, with a base of 5 cm and a thickness of 31 mm. It is zinc-colored and contains a significant amount of Silver in its metallic composition. This strange and unknown vessel was found in a powder rock 4.5 meters below the surface. This vessel was artificial, not natural, like the cube above, and what was it doing inside a rock? What more can be discovered like these? What else is hidden inside the rock formations?
“There is life on 8 million planets…”
As you can see, the communication and relationship between different cultures in the galaxy may or may have been established, but we are not aware of it. In fact, it is so obvious that we cannot see it because it is beyond our perception. Among the physicists who created the mortgaged models of galactic civilization and our potential for space flight, Dr. von Hoerner and Dr. S.S. Huang can be counted. Von Hoerner says about galactic civilizations;
“We hope the relationship between civilizations is intense at short distances of 200-300 parsecs (1 parsec = 3.26 light-years). But this also requires long periods of time, and if there is an active relationship over great distances, we may not notice it. So our life is not enough. Another handicap is the blocking fields created by electromagnetic radiation belts surrounding our planet. Professor Dr Carl Sagan says, while he was at NASA, the ten closest extraterrestrial civilizations are at best a thousand light years away, and they should be."
According to Dr Huang, there are planetary systems inhabited by intelligent creatures between 3% and 5% in our galaxy, which means that there is life on approximately 5 to 8 million planets.
Galactic intelligence does not want to perish
Doctor Axel Firsoff, the author of the book "Life Mind and Galaxies", wrote that there is life in its traditional feature and added that the relationship between intelligences in the galaxy is a law. Just like the nuclear and biological principles, perhaps there is such a formation in the core of the galaxy that we do not know, and the elements particles radiate vital energy. This can be thought of as a kind of divine creation. Perhaps this is how intelligent living things came into being, regardless of human form or human forms. The current level of space travel is a guarantee for the future, and there must be those in our galaxy who have embarked on these journeys long ago. Because it is a scientific fact that there is life outside of us in the galaxy, those who make these journeys can carry life by moving from suitable planets to another suitable planet. They may be practicing some form of galactic fertilization or maintaining intellectual continuity, leaving some of their own on a planet. Another possibility is interstellar migration due to the expiration of the suns. One day, our sun will also rise above the critical temperature that will not be sufficient and useful for human survival, destroying the inner planets. Remember that the earth we live on is the third of the inner planets. Then life will have moved to the outer planets, and humanity has to do this in order to survive.
We'll be in search of a new sun
It is not vital for planets such as Jupiter and Saturn to have a low density despite their large volume of atmosphere, but after millions of years, their density may increase by evaporation as a result of the increasing heat of the sun. The fact that human life is genetically adapted to the environment cannot be overlooked, and civilization can also artificially create the environment to protect itself. After a very long time, our sun will reach its maximum size and the cooling period will begin. Losing its heat and sinking inwards, the Sun will become a red dwarf and the outer planets will freeze completely. Long before this point is reached, humanity will have found a new and young sun to survive. The stars we need are called G-type stars and have balanced lives of millions of years. Tsiolokovsky said that colonization was not just for evolution, the main reason was that my age had jumped from place to place in the galaxy. This goal can be thought of as the spread of life and intelligence, but ultimately it is the essential character or essence of life and intelligence. If intelligent creatures migrate to new worlds, they will have plant seeds and various animals with them. Thus, agriculture will be started. a vital environment can be prepared on the planet on which such a demonstration is made. However, this is migration. It can be likened to the migration of the urbanites to the villages, that is, the civilized environment of the city will not be in the countryside. In time, it will be started from the beginning and technological development will be achieved, but after a long time, the past will be forgotten and turned into legends. As a concise result, it may not be true that humanity was created in this world, and it might even be said that humanity existed in another world. Religious texts, myths, can be thought of as memories that extend beyond the very distant past, even beyond our ancestors. For example, the Flood event and Noah's Ark may symbolize the submersion of continents on another planet and a spacecraft. As in the stories of Adam and Eve, the devil and the apple, or the expulsion from paradise.
If we take a careful look at the universe, we will see that continuity is ensured by long-term developments. Other creatures may be moving from place to place in the galaxy. We have only been aware of the galaxy for half a century and have only been able to reach our satellite. Some of the UFOs may be extraterrestrial automation observation tools. Someone may be systematically monitoring and inspecting us and many other planets. They may also be responsible for the evolution of this planet that was colonized in the very distant past. If so, one way or another we are responsible to our past or to our distant ancestors. On the other hand, let's not forget that the planet we live on now will be the homeland of our very distant grandchildren.
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