What is hypnosis? What does it do?
You will feel an incredible power touching you under hypnosis. Believe it or not, this power is your subconscious power. Your subconscious knows what is going on in every part of your body and what is needed. It protects you as much as possible from negative effects at every moment of the day. For example, in moments of high stress, it slows your heartbeat. It also stores information about everything you need to know about your ego. It is possible to learn this information under hypnosis, but if the hypnosis session is performed by a specialist psychologist;
Hypnosis parodies for spiritual purposes or previous life curiosity have nothing to do with the benefit we are talking about. For example, there is only a subconscious mind, not a spirit, behind what happens on the boards called "Quija Bord" or cup sessions which means that the subconscious is behind the correct answers. You will be surprised, but it has been determined that even the pendulum effect is governed by that power.
Now let's do an experiment;
Get a washer or a small ring. This could be your wedding ring. Tie it to a string or belt and tie it between your elbow and wrist, closer to your wrist. Then take a notebook the size of a sheet of paper, draw a big circle in the center and put a plus sign in the center, then lay the paper on the table.
Bring your arm over the paper and make sure that the ring or ring attached to the rope is over the plus sign and start swinging the ring from side to side by wiggling your arm slightly.
Consider "yes" if it swings towards you, "no" if it swings to and fro, "I don't know" if it rotates clockwise, and "I don't want to tell you" if it rotates counterclockwise.
Now again, pay attention to the fact that the ring attached to the rope is on the plus sign and ask yourself a question and wait for the ring to swing.
But be careful, don't try, don't force the ring, let it go completely and relax as much as you can. If you don't try, the ring will answer you.
Should we aspire to hypnosis?
We think you have an idea about how your subconscious mind talks to you. Let us guide you towards hypnosis, but be careful. Because we never suggest you to hypnotize someone, this is prohibited and only applies to medical professionals. Because it can be very dangerous.
Now we can continue. First, the person to be hypnotized should be comfortable sitting or lying down, and then he should relax thoroughly and never be disturbed, that is, he should not take a break. At the same time, the hypnotist speaks calming, relaxing words in a soft and monotonous voice at close range. This voice should never be commanding. This session can be more effective if it happens by the light of a candle burning nearby. Now let's specify what the hypnotized should do.
“Your eyes are closing…”
Take a deep breath in through your nose and hold for the count of eight. Exhale through your mouth, but slowly and by expelling all the air from your lungs. Begin to relax all your tense muscles and count from 10 to 1 as you do this, trying to feel your muscles relax as you count. You will now feel much more relaxed. Do not take your eyes off the candlelight and continue to feel more and more relaxed as the minutes pass with each breath. You will find that the light of the candle is getting brighter and more peaceful, as you feel more and more peace and emptiness. While you continue to look, start counting backwards from 100, each number will relax and you will become more distracted. Every time you exceed 10 points, the hypnotist will say, "Your eyes are slowly closing," with his soft and peaceful voice and you will hear every word. Feel this, never try to close your eyes yourself and do not resist. Let it turn off completely on its own. If your eyes are still open when the count is finished, your hypnotist will start counting down again, this time starting from 50, and will constantly say, "Your eyes are closing." With every moment that passes after your eyes are closed, you will be more deeply peaceful and very calm, and you will even feel weightless. The feeling of lightness and pleasantness should surround you so much that you should feel very happy.
“You are a cloud”
Now imagine yourself as a cloud. You are at peace, a very light breeze caresses you, you feel a tiny wiggle at the tips of your toes, as this tiny wiggle spreads upwards, you warm up and you relax more in a warm wave. A soft cloud surrounds your body and you become one. Now you are in a cloud structure. You feel the effect of an eternal peace in our cells. That tiny wiggle now radiates up your legs, dissipating impact power as the heat builds up. Your breathing has slowed down a lot, fidgeting, and you feel the heat now radiating from your arms to your shoulders. Now, your face and head are wrapped around your chin, neck, and facial muscles are under the wonderful warmth and influence. Your troubles and the things that upset you are floating away from you like a buoy towards the blue sky. You no longer feel responsible and start to sleep. And you never leave the soft voice watching you, you never lose your concentration, you don't hear any other sound. You accept even the sounds you hear as comforting, accept them as sighs and accept them without features. Watch now;
“I will be better and happier tomorrow”
The conversation continues. “You are in a corridor. The corridor is very pleasant and peaceful. I'm counting from 10 to 1 and you're heading into the hallway, where you want to be now you're here. You are in the upper layers of consciousness and thoughts. Counting from 10 to 1 three or four more times, the journey continues…”
You are now under hypnosis or not. Maybe you failed. A strong feeling and light starts from the tip of your fingertips and spreads to your arm and your arm gets lighter every moment, every time we breathe, your fingers twitch and move, followed by your arm and your arm flying. You are now under hypnosis. If this is your first time doing this, consider this. I will be much better tomorrow, I will find myself better every day no matter what. Yes, you've had a hypnosis, but that hypnosis isn't for the bullshit that you were Cleopatra or Nefertiti in your past life. This is a meditative hypnosis that can be done to strengthen and purify you against the negative elements of life, furthermore your subconscious will protect you more and integrate with you more. Who will apply this to you, of course, must be an expert around you. You may have a friend or relative who can do this. Do some research, why not?
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