The incredible life story of Anthony Hopkins… The famous actor does not act, he lives his roles. His extraordinary talents are also considerable. It is difficult to decide who captured whom. Hopkins the roles or the roles him?

Art and mystery, the both are wandering in the universe like souls that cannot be separated from each other, even if the people of the world do not realize it. Inspiration, or its Latin equivalent, Inspiration/Ispiracion can be interpreted as the filling of the human soul or brain with cosmic energy. Because artists can’t produce without experiencing that intense spiritual dimension that is called inspiration. When talent and spiritual dimension come together, different interpretations of art emerge. Cinema, on the other hand, is a field that offers the limitlessness of imagination to people. So are the actors…


Are the Characters They Play, Hidden Somewhere in Their Souls?

And some actors, perhaps consciously or unconsciously, as a result of their karma, find success while playing monsters in horror and thriller movies. Just like Anthony Hopkins won an Oscar for his portrayal of Hannibal Lecter, as the cannibal in “The Silence of Lambs”.

Hopkins gained the success with this film, that he had been waiting for years and then a series of victories more greeted him. Like new rewards and knighthood from the British Government.

Actually, Hannibal Lecter wasn't Hopkins' first monster role. In the past, he had chosen to play monsters, perhaps as the best way to express himself, while portraying Quasimodo, “The Huncback of Notre Dame” in a television series.

Hopkins candidly admits the truth and says he has spent half his life playing various creatures, dark-spirited perverts. The actor is aware of the personality split in which he lives. “Maybe this is my destiny.” says and ads:

“When I read the script, I saw that Hannibal Lecter was a killing machine, a crazy killing machine indeed, but still able to control his brain and movements down to the smallest detail. He was, of course, a reflection of Satan on Earth. I take Satan as extremely intelligent, seductive, sexy, and deadly."

Hannibal, the cannibal, describes his longing for nature in his cell, surrounded by bulletproof glass, isolated from the outside world and other humans. He misses to see a tree, a piece of soil. Could a spirit so loving to nature be at the same time a beast that takes cruel and perverse tendencies to the extreme?

The character of Hannibal, the cannibal, displayed contradictions in himself, perhaps like life itself. Hannibal, a psychiatrist with the goal of helping man, on the other hand, was a monster determined to destroy the human race.

We don't know how much the casting of eerie beings on the screen resonates with Anthony Hopkins' true personality, but perhaps alcohol, his best friend since his teenage years, may also have contributed to it.

Yet, the Oscar award and success for his role as Hannibal Lecter, a vampire-cannibal mix bring the minds Faust who sold his soul to the devil for eternal youth which is his obssession.  The concept of infinity for a movie actor is synonymous with success, anyway.


Is Fate Dependent on Coincidence?

We say that there is no coincidence in the universe and we are often right. When we look behind the scenes of Hopkins' private life and interests, we see that he has a great interest in metapsychic subjects, reincarnation and mystery.

Is it possible to connect these tendencies with the Celtic spirit that the Welsh-born actor inherited from his distant ancestors? Because the Celts were a race that had knowledge about mediumship, clairvoyance, and sorcery. It's worth remembering the Druid Priests and their long history of mysticism. The mysticism interest of the Celtic priests who were Atlantis originated extends to the present day with stone circles such as the Ley Lines and Stonehenge that surround the British Islands.

The actor, who believes in reincarnation and the immortality of the soul, acted in a reincarnation movie years ago, "Audrey Rose" was shot in 1977, when neither the Oscar statuette nor the Silence of the Lambs existed yet...

Robert Wise, the director of Audrey Rose, can't hide his surprise when he learns that Hopkins has a keen interest in metapsychic issues and extracorporeal life experiences. He was in the joy of finding the most suitable actor for his reincarnation movie.

After the film was completed, Hopkins began his meditation practice. He practiced positive thinking sessions that he believed would be beneficial for his profession.

And as the usual chain or universe rule takes place, consciousness opens up to the universe, and others follow the first clairvoyant experience.

On his way to his new home in Los Angeles, he stops the car on the side of the road and gets out and watches the view from a high hill.

“I recalled that image like a sudden flash. I saw the same place in a vision 20 years ago. I had no idea what Los Angeles was like. But now I see the same place before me. Just like in my vision.”


The Book Waiting in the Metro

Strange events haunts Hopkins throughout his life. It is as if he is communicating with his father’s spirit and that spirit is announcing his award before anyone else to this beloved son while the names of the other nominees are being read on the night he receives the Oscar award.

Years ago, he was offered a role in the movie based on a novel of George Feifer, "The Girl from Petrovka". The actor answered in the affirmative and immediately after the deal was signed, he decided to buy and read the book in question in order to study the role better. However, despite all his searches, he could not find it. This book was not left in any bookstore in London.

While Hopkins was waiting for the subway to go back home, a forgotten book on one of the benches caught his attention. He couldn't believe his eyes when he approached and took the book because he had found the book he was looking for, at that moment.

“Girl from Petrovka” was waiting for him at the tube station while the actor was wandering the streets of London during the day.

Two years after the shooting of the film, the author of the book paid a visit Hopkins.  George Feifer complained that he did not have a single copy of the book he wrote. He had lent his last remaining book to a friend two years ago, but he had lost it in London.

Hopkins excitedly showed the author the book he found. Feifer recognized his book which had disappeared two years ago from his handwriting marginal notes.


Did The Characters He Played Leave A Mark On His Personality?

As I said at the beginning, Hopkins continued to bring monsters to life in the cinema. His soul sometimes splits in two. In the movie Magic, the Magician Corky, who is defeated by his puppet, is driven into madness and becomes puppet of his puppet.

In the psychological thriller The Elephant Man, we see him as a doctor trying to help a monster.

In Dracula, directed by Francis Ford Coppola, the actor appears as the vampire's worst enemy, Dr Van Helsing. Although he is against the vampire, Dracula's magic that mixes passion and the need of drinking blood turns Helsing's head. This happens to many mortals who get close to vampires. The desire for immortality pervades the soul of man. So to be a Nosferatu. Undoubtedly the most frightening of all these are “Silence of the Lambs” and “Hannibal Lecter” or the cannibal Hannibal. Hopkins, who can change his looks, facial expressions and style of play as easily as the costumes he wears while entering and exiting different roles. It seems he changes his soul with the roles he plays. It is clear that there is a spiritual change, it can be seen in his eyes. Hopkins' words are perhaps the epitome of his strange life.

“The madmen I played in the cinema were suffering souls. You cannot criticize a perverted man without knowing him.”

Levent ASLAN

Levent ASLAN


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