There are such mysterious in history even in our lives that you believe the life (space time rather) is uncanny when you are a witness to it. Lincoln and Kannedy assassinations were one of them. You will decide how…

The Mystery of the Assassinations of John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln

1847 is the year Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress.

1947 is the year John F Kennedy was elected to Congress.

1860 is the year Abraham Lincoln became President of the United States.

1960 is the year John F Kennedy became President of the United States.

Both Presidents were assassinated on a Friday while their wives were with them.

Both Presidents were killed by a bullet to the head.

Both of the President's wives were pregnant and they lost their babies exactly a week before the assassinations.

JF Kennedy's secretary's last name was Lincoln.

Lincoln and Kennedy were killed by the Southerners. Southerners took the chair of Lincoln and Kennedy.

The last names of the Presidents whose replaced them were Johnson.

Andrew Johnson, who became the President after Abraham Lincoln, was born in 1808.

Lyndon Johnson, who became the President after JF Kennedy, was born in 1908.

John Wilkes Booth, who shot Lincoln, was born in 1839.

Lee Harvey Oswald, who shot John F Kennedy, was born in 1939.

Both assassins had 3 names.

JFK was shot in Lincoln car.

The person who shot Abraham Lincoln escaped from the theater caught in a warehouse.

The person who shot John Kennedy escaped from the warehouse and was caught in a movie theater.

Both murder suspects were killed before their trial began.

Abraham Lincoln was in Monroe, Maryland a week before he died.

JF Kennedy was with Marilyn Monroe a week before he died.

Character counts of Lincoln and Kennedy are 7.

Character counts in the names of their killers are 15.


Prophet of the Century

On November 22, 1963, three elegantly dressed women were sitting in the restaurant of the Myflower Hotel in Washington, having lunch. The brunette one looked worried. When others asked her why, she said, “I can't eat. I'm confused, something terrible will happen to the president today." she replied.

Ms. Kope said, by turning to Ms. Kaufman who asked the question,  "Miss Dixon senses something bad is going on for Kennedy, and she had told me about it the previous evening." said. After this talk, a few minutes passed, suddenly the orchestra fell silent and "The President was assassinated." The news began to circulate in the hall.

When her friends said that the president was alive and still in the hospital, Dixon said, “The radio is wrong, the president is dead. I tried very much to avoid this but nobody listened to me. It's too late now.” was saying.

She was Jeanne Dixon who made this prediction and became the prophet of the century. A separate page will be opened for Jeanne Dixon on this site, but at this point I would like to make aphorisms about this subject.


Prophetic Aphorisms

How can a person, whether he is a prophet or someone with other characteristics, know in advance of an event that may happen, years before. Moreover, Ms. Dixon recapped this foresight many times and tried to warn the President through his relatives, although she could not reach him. Jeanne Dixon predicted the event years ago and published it on May 13, 1956, in Magazine Parade. In other words, 7 years, 1 month and 23 days before the assassination of the President. How is this possible? Let's push the limits of our minds and therefore our power imagination.

At this point, we might believe that phenomenon called destiny is real. Yes, for a written destiny only, “There is.” can be said. After accepting it is a fact, it is possible to see something that exists in future. Only by private eyes, of course. So can this particular end written be changed? In terms of causes, at least for JFK, this didn't seem possible because there were so many elements that were prepared to remove him. Sooner or later, he would have been eliminated.

If there is no destiny, did this seer see only the point of possibilities? So if one or more of his possibilities were made improbable, then this assassination might not have happened. In this state, history of the world could change, because JFK was one of the strongest figures who opposed the system that the American deep state was trying to establish.

Who knows, maybe this life we ​​live is already hidden in the layers of spacetime. Maybe we are experiencing the reflection of events that we have experienced before. Maybe our oracle, who has special abilities, can see the points in the fabric of space-time that cause the deepest depressions in the emotional sense. The past is ours, it has been lived and it is recorded in our short human history, what about the future? Perhaps we will see lived futures in the fabric of space-time as their turn comes. That's why we might not change some things about the future.

Let's not forget that Jeanne Dixon was also able to predict what would happen to the Pope. Another explanation for these predictions might be that the soul can travel independently of the space-time section to which the body is connected. If you can do an astral projection, you may go to the past or the future. Maybe Jeanne Dixon could see in a such a trance moment. This is no mean claim, because it is quite possible to multiply the examples and the number of people who can do it.


Jeanne Dixon's Struggle for John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Mrs. Dixon was not content with her first warning, three months before the assassination, she went from the president's close circle, to Ms. Halle's door at the White House and said that it was not possible for her to approach the Kennedy family, that the President should not have gone south in the coming days, that he would die if he went. Dixon wanted Halle to be alerted immediately. After Miss Halle told her “We can’t do anything if such a disaster is in the president's fate.”, Dixon said, "There is a critical moment that changes quickly that sometimes causes the scales to tilt, to turn the other way. This is avoidable, warn the President, please.” Se had insisted. However, Ms. Halle did not forward the warning to the president because she was in fear that the president would laugh at her. After the event, this time the FBI took the matter seriously and asked a Mrs. Dixon, "How did you know?" they questioned. But it was too late, the damage was done anyway.


Chain of Intersecting Events or Cosmic Mystery

Now let's go back about 100 Years. History and events sometimes play games full of strange but meaningful coincidences in the lives of two people, and these two people do not have to be at the same time and place. Moreover, in order to see the connection, it is necessary to look beyond the visible, to the inner law of its simultaneity. Perhaps, this is applicable case for the two US presidents, Abraham Lincoln and John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Now let's go back a little further.

On the evening of March 25, 1865, Abraham Lincoln invited some of his friends to the White House. Lincoln suddenly turned to his friends in the middle of the dinner; “I had a terrible dream and I can't shake it off.” he said. He continued his conversation among the curious glances of the guests as follows; “Two days ago I went to bed with a great tiredness and fell asleep immediately. My surroundings were in deep silence, as if I were in a coffin. Only sobs broke the silence. So I went to the living room of the White House. There were the same hiccups here, but no one was in sight, then I came to a room with the curtains facing east. There was a coffin in the room, with the soldier guarding. I asked who died in the White House, and someone replied that they killed the president. At that moment, I woke up in a sweat.”

The guests said; “it was just a dream Mr. President.” but Lincoln didn't seem to have calmed down.

 By the time of April 14, 1865, the Northern Armies were victorious over the Southerners. So the president was in good spirit. That day, Lincoln and his wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, went to see the play "Our American Cousin" at the Washington Ford Theatre. When the game started, the lights went out, and soon an explosion echoed in the hall. The President collapsed in his box. The murderer was John Wilkey Broth, a member of a Southern secret society. The next day, the President's coffin was in the East Hall of The White House, and around him was a crying crowd, just as he had seen in his dream…

Just think what all these mean…

Levent ASLAN

Levent ASLAN


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